This post is dedicated to Minoxidil, that magic solution that nobody really knows how it works, but it does.
What is it?
Minoxidil was developed in the late 1950s by the Upjohn Company (later became part of Pfizer) to treat ulcers. In trials using dogs, the compound did not cure ulcers, but proved to be a powerful vasodilator.
How does it work?
The mechanism by which minoxidil promotes hair growth is not fully understood. Minoxidil is a potassium channel opener, causing hyperpolarization of cell membranes. Hypothetically, by widening blood vessels and opening potassium channels, it allows more oxygen, blood, and nutrients to the follicles. This may cause follicles in the telogen phase to shed, which are then replaced by thicker hairs in a new anagen phase.
It makes sense to me.
Minoxidil is available in different forms (foam and liquid), brands and concentrations (2%, 5% and 10%).
My experience
During past years I have tried a lot of those different brands and concentrations.
In my particular case Minoxidil works regardless of brands or concentrations.
It's true that some brands seem to work better than others but it's hard to say because there are some times we lose more hair depending on the season, hair phase and stress.
Personally I buy the cheapest generic solution available at the closest pharmacy. Quite simple.
I have also tried the original Rogaine in liquid and foam and personally I didn't feel much of a difference.
Actually I think Rogaine it's not as good as the other generic products (Kirkland, etc) and it makes the hair greasier. Many other bloggers share the same opinion.
If we take into account that the first generic versions of Minoxidil are in the market since 1996, it's more than enough time to refine the product.
Regarding concentrations, the same, I have tried 2% and 5% and I can't tell the difference. At the moment I am using 2% as I have the impression I don't need more than that.
If the ´how it works´ explanation above is correct, by using a low concentration solution now, it gives me room to increase the concentration in the future if it's required.
Again, each case is a case and you will need to try different concentrations until you find the most appropriated for you.
Apparently there is also some debate on the how often and at what time of the day should one apply Minoxidil.
My personal experience tells me that if one applies it once a day is more than enough, regardless of the time of the day.
Side effects
It's true that after a couple of weeks of start using Minoxidil I had the impression that my face was swollen but it might be only the hypochondriac side of me after reading the instructions.
I have been using Minoxidil for 8 years now and I don't feel any side effect besides greasy hair when using some brands.
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