Two days have passed since my FUE hair transplant.
The recipient area it is very swollen and I still don't have sensitivity on the top of the forehead.
The pain is stronger in the morning and evening, probably because of the head position.
In general, sleeping has been quite difficult and uncomfortable due to the pain and body position.
I have tried setting up my pillows like at a hospital to lift up the head to avoid further swelling but it's very unconformable and makes it quite difficult to have a good night of sleep.
It is very important to avoid rubbing the grafted area on the pillow, so to maintain a stomach up position and avoid rolling during the night I added two pillows on the sides.
The ideal position is a semi-seated position with the trunk raised at 45 degrees.
The grafts should be fully secure by day 7-10 so I will maintain this sleeping position until then.
Post- Operative Care
At the clinic I have received a post/operative care kit which contains:
- spray bottle of saline solution
- spay bottle with iso-betadine shampoo
- Antibiotic and healing cream
I have been following Dr Lupanzula's advice and I have been spraying the saline solution every hour. It is refreshing and reduces the itching and swelling. The saline solution also keeps the wounds clean and keep the infection to a minimum.
Instructions described in previous post.
I have washed my hair with the provided Iso-Betadine shampoo, without massaging the recipient area.
It is important to rinse with plenty of lukewarm water, using a suitable container (cup etc.). Warning: a powerful jet of water, such as a shower, can damage the transplanted area.